Saturday, March 04, 2006

Robert Holcombe: Master Criminal

Robert Holcombe tried to kill his wife 5 times for her life insurance money and failed each time. He attempted to:

1. Break the natural gas line to the water heater, hoping the house would explode.
2. Left the car running in the garage in order to fill the house with carbon monoxide.
3. Poison her with Percoset.
4. Poison her with Benadryl.
5. Pay his son to kill her.

His son went to the police and later tape recorded a conversation for evidence. Holcombe blew an inheritance worth about $130,000 at Tiffany's (the strip club, not the jeweler) and was hoping to spend his wife's life insurance money there too. What a classy D-bag. Read AJC story.


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