Thursday, March 09, 2006


For attempting to destroy as much local control over schools as possible by setting arbitrary statewide standards, Sonny gets today's D-bag award. After passing his 65% solution to "funding problems", Sonny goes one step further by setting mandatory class size limits. This bill will create a number of problems. Gwinnett county, a school system that already has over 1000 trailer classrooms, will have to build an additional 500 to be in compliance with the law. Please find a better re-election strategy Sonny. AJC article.


At 9:31 PM, Blogger QuentinCompson said...

Let's not forget this: although Sonny promised teachers a 4% pay increase this year, he and his adminstration failed to mention that the money to pay for that raise is coming from classroom funds.

Yes, he's taking money out of the budget for classrooms (which, believe me, is scant at best anyway) just to try to appease the teachers in an election year.

Super F-in Douche Bag...

At 9:58 PM, Blogger shannon said...

i just came upon your blog while searching technorati for people who had linked to me.

i love it. i see you're in athens, as well. do we have a connection or did you just happen to stumble upon another athens blog?

adding a link to you!

At 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best part, is that they aren't even concerned about the teachers it is going to take to fill those demands!! They aren't even trying to keep the ones they have! (lefty can back me up on that one) This education system in georgia needs a massive overhaul, and they need to start caring more about the teachers and the students.

Sonny is a douche, but the bigger douche is the one that defined a budget that was supposed to "leave no child behind" but does just that. I see lots of douchebags around here!


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