Sunday, March 19, 2006

Sensattional revolution in meedicine!

"Fran Suarez" sent me this e-mail:

-Sensattional revolution in meedicine! -Enlarge your p`enis up to 10 cm or up to 4 inches! -It's herbal solution what hasn't side effect, but has 100% guaranteeed results! -Don`'t loose your chance and but know wihtout doubts,, you will be impressed with results!!!!

It's an exciting development, but it leaves several questions unanswered. How did Fran know that I was dissatisfied with the size of my p' enis and that enlarge up to 10cm or 4 inches! was exactly the kind of increase I was looking for? I'm wary of using "drugs" prescribed by "doctors" so its good to know that It's herbal solution what hasn't side effect. The 100% guaranteeed is also very reassuring. I don't have any more time to write this post because I Don `'t want to loose my chance to be Impressed with results!!!

I don't know who bothers me more, the d-bag spammers that send this stuff, or the pathetic individuals who respond to these emails and keep the spammers in business. Thanks D-bags.


At 10:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sold. I just give my credit card information to you does this work?

At 7:27 PM, Blogger QuentinCompson said...

I love how the grammatical and syntactical structure within this message drives home its validity.

With such fantastic English, how could one resist such an offer?


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