Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Western Europe

All of this havoc in Western Europe leads me to believe that Americans are a lot better off than the French and Spanish; or they just might be bigger d-bags than us. Protests in France have turned violent in recent days, when presumably unemployed students took to the streets. What caused sll of this anger that turned to violence?........ Employment reform.

The new law that's causing the protests allows employers to lay off workers under 25 who have been employed less than 2 years. Sounds pretty reasonable to me. I wonder what they would do if they had to live under Georgia's "right to work" laws. These protests seem particularly unreasonable coming so soon on the heels of the violent Muslim rioting.

The kids in Spain know how to fight for their rights.... To Party. Youth all over Spain engaged in mass "Botellones" to protest new laws that prevent them from getting drunk in public. Evidently they're too poor to buy drinks in bars, so they buy a lot of booze and get loaded in town centers. This has led to a number of problems. Increased injuries, sexual assaults, and of course the overwhelming odor of urine and vomit, have prompted lawmakers to crack down on this public boozing. At least we can afford to get ridiculously drunk in BARS in America.

If you combine the incidents in France and Spain with the "Pounds for Peerages" scandal in the UK, Western Europe isn't looking too good this week.

Secondary D-bag for today: This guy

Here are some blasts from the past by him:

Editorial on FEMA chief was 'almost laughable'

Cartoon of soldier was in poor taste

Wah wah wah. Words are hurting the feelings of the president and soldiers. It is a good thing the soldiers on the battlefield are out of touch* when it comes to current news, otherwise they would be crying all the time because of letters to the editor and political cartoons.

*Not badmouthing soldiers, just stating a fact. They get orders and carry em out - very little news gets to them.

Special thanks to Ned for providing this one


At 1:16 PM, Blogger Lariel said...

Concerning this nugget:

"the overwhelming odor of urine and vomit, have prompted lawmakers to crack down on this public boozing. At least we can afford to get ridiculously drunk in BARS in America."

I don't know if you live in Athens, GA, but here in downtown Athens, GA there's still the overwhelming odor of urine, vomit, and overnight, warm, stale beer every Monday. Yum.

At 2:11 PM, Blogger GP said...

Good point. However, it only smells like urine and vomit outside of the bars, not on north campus. I also like to think that our unique downtown post party odor is special and superior to all other towns.


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