Saturday, May 13, 2006

I wish I was in the land of cotton...

The guy on the left is racist asshat #1. I'll get to racist asshat #2 in a moment. Winston McCuen is a High School teacher in South Carolina. He's in the news for publicly stating that blacks are intellectually inferior to whites. When asked if he thought slavery in America was a good thing, he said "yes....they were coming out of the jungles, they had been enslaving each other for centuries in Africa, and in terms of being used to rule of law, they knew none of that." I'm fed up with douchebags like McCeun reinforcing the conviction of many people that the south is a backward, cultural vacuum. Unfortunately, there's someone even more embarrassing for the south in the news today.

Racist asshat #2 is Larry Darby, candidate for Attorney General of Alabama. Darby has publicly denied the Holocaust. He thinks he can gain widespread support of Alabama voters by trying to "reawaken white racial awareness." Darby, by the way, is a Democrat. I hope there's a special ring in hell for McCuen and Darby, a place where ABBA is played on loop, the only recreation is jai alai, and the only web browser is Internet Explorer.



At 11:30 PM, Blogger Eli said...

Alabama politicians definitely have a special place in hell.


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