Thursday, April 20, 2006

Gwinnett County woman embarrasses Georgia

The uptight bitch on the left is Laura Mallory. She wants to ban Harry Potter books in Gwinnett County Schools. Said the busybody, “I think the anti-Christian bias — it’s just got to stop,” Mallory said. “And if we don’t say something, we’ll just keep getting pushed out of the schools. And I pay taxes, too, and I think that gives me a voice to speak out about this.” ” With all of the bad publicity that Georgia has had in the news, runaway bride, courthouse shooting, Cynthia McKinney, immigration legislation, etc, lets hope that this story doesn't make national headlines.


At 3:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've read the Harry Potter books and I love them! Once you start one, you can't put it down. And especially I loved the SNL parody with Lindsey Lohan and the magnifying glass on her boobies. Good times!

At 2:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude, i am incredibly insulted by this women. like seriously, she offends me. i am an evangelical christian, and i absolutely LOVE the HP books. they have christian messages, for crying out loud! and besides, they're FICTION, duh! maybe this women should take the time she's spent trying to screw up the world, and use it to READ the damn books.

At 11:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Laura Mallory needs to keep her mouth shut and worry about her own children rather than being so concerned with everyone elses kids. She needs to take and learn from her own christian teachings, Hey Laura do you remember when the devil was a angel and he decided that he wanted to be the ruler and God cast him out of heaven? Maybe we should cast Laura Mallory out of Georgia for trying to be the ruler of our kids. Laura has no right to tell me how I should raise my children nor does she have the right to tell me or my kids what they can and cannot read!!!! She was on the news saying how she believed in witchcraft well if she believes in it so much then you would think she would be afraid that someone would cast a spell on her for running her mouth. Hey Laura if this is about your kids then put them in private school or better yet teach them to obey their parents and then you wont have to worry about them reading the Harry Potter books in the first place. This lady needs to get a life and stop trying to rule over everyone! According to christians there is only one ruler and it isnt Laura Mallory, so I dont have to listen to her crap. Laura Mallory is just doing this so she can become famous and that is her real motivation.. Shame Shame Shame on Laura Mallory!!!

At 11:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Laura Mallory is an ignorant, religious freak. I am 40 and have actually read all the books and think they are great. They have good messages for kids about friendship, overcoming adversity and that it is OK to be different. I am employed full time as an attorney and I find over and over that many stay at home mom's do this weird stuff because they have nothing in their life!! They get obcessed with society and controlling other people's kids because they need to get a life! She really needs to find something in her life to focus on since raising four kids doesn's seem to be fulfilling enough for her. If it was she would worry about them and not what other kids are reading and doing.

At 6:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who wants to be a wizard when you can be a Jedi. Not a crappy Hayden Christopher one mind you.

Doesn't she realize the other 99% of the books in any library are not about Jesus either? Obviously not.

At 2:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

On this and many other sites and blogs- the same theme of live and let live. Like juggling with the prospect of living in a world where relegious fundamentalism will just mind it's own business. Ha! An intolerant theology or a theology that becomes intolerant is the ultimate danger to worldwide peace if it ever even has a chance. This is the reality- evoloution has reached stasis, two things hold us back. Relegion and Economic Hierarchy. The time has come for the good people of the planet, not the few currently calling all the shots, to stop the insanity. If there is a 'One True Way', then let God reveal it to all. No more of the selected few to lead the many-BULLSHIT! All Indians-No Chiefs. Time to turn the witch-hunt back around on the hunters.

At 7:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm just glad she's not from Texas! Seems like everytime I read about one of these insane religious whackos, it turns out they're from Texas...the Jerry Springer Guest Capital of the United States.

Martha from Texas

At 5:30 PM, Blogger WitchyWoman said...

I write about this as a witch, practicing witch, and love to see the support for the Harry Potter books. I realize the above support may not be for witches, but at least you are all joining in fighting against censorship. If this woman spent her time raising money for pediatric aids, or working in a homeless shelter, or doing anything at all beneficial, instead of banning a fictional book, she may be more satisfied. Does she want to take Wizard of Oz off the shelves? What about Black Beauty? I seriously doubt this woman even knows the first thing about witches and witchcraft, for if she did, she wouldn't be against it. Lighten up, Laura Malloy! And, while you're at it, learn about something before you condemn it. As a witch, I fully welcome a face to face debate with her any time, any place and let's see what she really knows about what she fears. Any time, any place!

At 11:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only One whose opinion that matters is God. Here it is:
Leviticus 19:31 Turn you not unto them that have familiar spirits, nor unto the wizards; seek them not out, to be defiled by them: I am Jehovah your God.
Leviticus 20:6 And the soul that turneth unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto the wizards, to play the harlot after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.
Deuteronomy 18:10 There shall not be found with thee any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, one that useth divination, one that practiseth augury, or an enchanter, or a sorcerer, or a charmer, or a consulter with a familiar spirit, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
Isaiah 8:19 And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits and unto the wizards, that chirp and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? on behalf of the living [should they seek] unto the dead?

BUT… we are in the day of grace for a little while longer… Those who practice these things can repent and be forgiven; however, many will die before they repent and receive an eternity of punishment from a loving God, who is too pure and honest to allow them into heaven to pollute it like they have tried to pollute the earth. God loved these kind of sinners as much as any sinner – enough to allow His Son, Jesus Christ to be cruelly punished and crucified on the cross in their and our place.

At 2:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you ask Jesus in your heart for real you would not say those things about that lady that does not want the movies to play anymore.And the Bible says to stay away from witches, tarot cards, fortune telling,talking to the dead. horoscope.That is where it is all coming from

Read the ( Word), god bless you.

At 3:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Each of these comments about Laura Mallory reflects ignorance of the Bible and certainly reflects badly on Christianity. Christians don't make these lewd comments about anyone, and they don't use the s word or the f word. Shame on you!


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